Most people would say, No Way! I value my privacy too much.
Apparently the U.S. Gov't and American business does not. Alright, you'll say, now we know you have gone off the deep end.
Not really. I am sure all of you have some form of cable/satellite television, a computer, and a cell phone. Well sure we do, we don't live in the Stone Age, you say. You may want to reconsider that statement after this.
*Cue scary music* Your TV is watching you.
Quick get on the phone we need some help here! Paranoid Psychosis has taken him over.
Your TV and the cable box can and does hold tens of thousands of pieces of information concerning what you watch and don't watch, what types of commercials make you change the channel or stay on it, and if you have a service that provides, TV, Internet, and Phone the amount of information you are providing is enormous.
Companies use a program to analyze your channel surfing pattern and from that which member of a household is utilizing the remote.
Guys machine gun (and some women, like my wife) through the channels while women rarely change the channel, perhaps 1 or 2 times (like myself), once they have selected a program. They can even tell if someone else is in the room with you based on how you change channels.
From this they compile a profile on you and your personality and can predict what you want to watch along with other targeted information on you. Your DVR, cable box, satellite receiver and tv come standard with programs designed to mine and process personal information, store it and report to monitors.
Your TV will be able to show you one commercial, monitor how you respond, and then show you something else – working on you over time until your TV gets the behavior or attitude change your TV wants.
It is not just a quiet night with you cuddled up with your remote and a TV bathing you in warm radiation. In reality your TV is the one cuddled up to you and sucking information from you like an electronic vampire and sending it straight out to someone else snuggled up to some business computer to find your likes and dislikes and how to entice you to watch their commercial, show or make you buy their product. Reference The Manchurian Candidate.
Now these businesses would say that this is coercive persuasion (defined as mind control), not in anyway close to mind control.
WHOA! you say. How in the world could you say a nice evening vegetating in front of the boob tube be linked to mind control? Glad you asked.
Mind Control IS defined as: a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator."
Technically we have volunteered for this grand longitudinal experiment.
How so? We buy the manipulation unit of own volition. We voluntarily place ourselves in the laboratory everyday, whether it be our living room, bedroom, car, work, etc..., and we choose how we wish to be programmed, by our personal selection of thought control.
Think about this the next time you plop Junior down to watch a large purple dinosaur for a few minutes so you can have a little time to yourself.
An uncomplicated example of manipulation would be grocery shopping. How many times have you been in the store looking for, let's say lunch meat. What pops into your head? My bologna has a first name it's O-S-C-A-R my bologna has a second name it's M-A-Y-E-R of course. So your shopping habits have been steered by a commercial to purchase a certain item which has been implanted in your brain by television.
It appears that the father of Gareth Roberts was right in calling it an 'Idiot's Lantern'. Why? Look at the name, we as intelligent idiots are drawn to the TV as a moth is to a lantern. Want an interesting watch catch the Doctor Who episode of the same name episode number 173. Below is a pic from the episode.
Seems just like the way TV sometimes grips us. Anyway back to mind control and your friendly neighborhood TV.
Now mind control is in essence to decrease our cerebral cohesion. Now your basic evil villain would use brain washing to assist with mind control. Now just like that TV uses many techniques that are in common with brain washing.
Yeah Yeah, still with the craziness.
Ok now follow along Grasshopper.
Techniques such as: Sleep Deprivation ("I just gotta stay up to see the Olympics), Sensory Deprivation ("The TV's just on for background noise"), Constant verbal and psychological harrassment (seeing the same commercial 4 or 5 times during a TV show sound familiar), and directly and indirectly by group social pressure are all aspects used in brain washing.
An example of group social pressure: 'Dude, got new the Iphone or Car or Computer, etc... yet? Everybody has got one. What, you don't have it yet? I'll talk to you when you do.'
Think of what a politican could do knowing how you watch TV. They send out a harmless little survey, which you don't think about it invading your privacy and you either fill it out or trash it.
If you do fill it in they'll find out where you stand on the issues, they already have your viewing preferences; so months ahead of the election everytime while you watch Doctor Who they'll play and ad directed at you saying "I am the Science candidate or the Education candidate", while your next door neighbor maybe be watching Dexter and get an ad from the same politician saying "I'm the Crime Candidate".
Saves money on printing and paper for a survey you may not even look at twice, but they will know you watch Doctor Who every day at 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM on BBC America.
We are programmed from birth to death by being bombarded constantly with a plethora of advertisements, information, and agendas from a variety of Princes of the Powers of the Air. Whether we let those princes rule us or make them answer to We The People is totally up to ourselves.