13 July, 2011

More on the Police State and Surveillance in the U.S

How do We The People protect our freedom to our privacy, our anonymity, and most of all to NOT be observed 24/7, by the various public and private surveillance cameras placed around our cities, in our states and our country?

I have been writing and talking about this for years and now it has come to fruition!

Sooner or later these will be combined into a single network, an All Seeing network, likely to be placed under the auspices of Homeland Security.

Then OUR Gov’t will of course invent a scenario to create the aforementioned surveillance network and instate laws to enforce its use.

Sure to be exploited by the various Alphabet Agencies we all know and hate. Let’s call it SATAN, Scan And Track All Nationals, now isn’t that special.

Isn’t it bad enough that THEY monitor every form of domestic electronic communication, cell phone, & e-mail.  THEY have invaded our computers, have cameras at every stoplight, as well as on almost every corner, and monitor what we watch on TV for alleged ‘criminal activity’.

Once THEY have SATAN, combined with the UAV’s, which as I have said in previous posts, some of which are small enough to fly in our windows, then you can kiss the 1st and 4th Amendments goodbyePLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING LINK as of  21 Feb., 13!: http://news.yahoo.com/drones-large-small-coming-us-010537668.html

Lest we forget, THEY have access to a photo of everyone in the United States who is old enough or needs to have a form of Government I.D. Then of course we all know that THEY have facial recognition software.

THEY also have a large portion of the U.S. population fingerprints thanks to requirements for background checks needed for employment, military service, and other reasons. Even if you don’t have a criminal record, you could with a little electronic manipulation.

Should we not consider whether existing laws affords us a principle which can properly be invoked to protect the privacy of We The People and, if the Gov’t doesn’t, what should we do to enforce the nature and extent of such protection.

The intensity and complexity of life, attendant upon advancing civilization, have rendered necessary some retreat from the world, and people, under the refining influence of culture, have become more sensitive to publicity, so that solitude and privacy have become more essential to the individual; but modern enterprise and invention have, through invasions upon our privacy, subjected us to mental pain and distress, far greater than could be inflicted by mere bodily injury.

With all the video doctoring software available, and THEY will have the best, THEY will be able to make us see what THEY want us to see. Some poor schmuck ranting on the web about what THEY are doing, just catch a video clip from one of SATAN’s cameras, doctor it to show the schmuck killing someone and then submit as evidence in court. As I am sure there will be ‘laws’ in place to protect the validity of whatever SATAN captures. Then voila, off to some Re-Education Camp, read as prison, never to be seen or heard from again. We will believe whatever THEY want us to believe.

THEY already have computerized voting, so then THEY could, theoretically, put whoever toes the party line into office, any office in the land. Think about it!

What, you say! I vote! Yes and we all watch as the results come in on our nightly news, votes that have been tallied electronically. Send the signal and the vote for your candidate, has been changed to one for the other.

Come on people! We have Wi-Fi right? THEY have satellites than can beam a signal anywhere in the country to any voting precinct in a matter of seconds!

Think About It!

Those who can give essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety. Ben Franklin, 1775

Remember *Writing is the socially acceptable form of Schizophrenia*

Two of my favorite sayings in closing:

1) If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced.

2) "It is the duty of those who CAN see what is going on to expose to those who cannot see, the situation that they are unaware of!"